Group Coaching

For a mindset to reach your most desirable goals alongside individuals looking to do the same.

You don’t have to do it alone, you never did. We’re here for you. Join one of our group coaching cohorts and let’s rediscover what life could look like together.

Imagine how much further we can go if we have help along the way.

You don’t have to navigate this path alone.

In fact, you shouldn’t!

We’re really good at telling ourselves stories, and sometimes we need someone else to hold up a mirror to realize which ones are true and which ones aren’t. Each of the various 1:1 and small group options available to you follow this similar framework for creating meaningful and lasting change in your life:


Who (& where) are you?

Let’s imagine a thousand piece puzzle, empty out the box, flip all the pieces over and start to understand the big picture. What got you here? Why are you stuck?


What needs to change?

We identify the barriers that are keeping you from being who and where you want to be. We discover the narratives from your past that are limiting your growth and begin to rewrite them.


What do you want?

Who do you truly want to be? What lights you up inside and ignites your passion? What gives you unstoppable energy?


How do you get there?

How do you get started now? Who do you need to become? By this time we will have a new starting line, a new story for your current and future self and a way to get there.


You’re about to experience a lot of breakthrough and change! Every new version of you requires an upgraded mindset and regular maintenance to stay the course. We continually iterate and refine our newfound roadmap for your journey to help you achieve your long term vision!

Ready to build your future together?

You don’t have to do it alone.

How many internet rabbit holes do you have to enter to see there’s a million directions that all sound good in theory?

Lets dig deeper in the right direction.

Think maybe its time for a change?

I’m Patrick and I’m here to help you rediscover your self, break barriers, and rewrite your life story.

I’ve helped dozens of high performers transform their life with mindset coaching and I’m happy to have a 30 minute - no obligation - call with you to see if this is a right fit.

A little bit of guidance goes a long way.

Think better, play bigger.